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Duangvipa School

Tel: 02-4160957-60  Fax: 02-8935363



Duangvipa School new student admission is available at 2 levels

Admission for New Kindergarten Students:

  • Pre-kindergarten: Ages 2- 3 years
  • Kindergarten 1: Ages 3- 4 years
  • Kindergarten 2: Ages 4- 5 years
  • Kindergarten 3: Ages 5- 6 years

* Parent(s) or guardian must bring student physically to apply in order for school staff to assess student?s appropriate kindergarten level

Application requirements

  • Four 2 x 2 inch photographs
  • Birth certificate
  • Copy of Household Registration

*Please submit transcript from previous schools if applicable

Kindergarten Levels

  1. Students ages 2- 3 years are usually not prepared for a full academic coursework. Therefore, ?Pre-Kindergarten? coursework will emphasize social skills as students adjust to the school, new friends, and new teachers.
  2. Students ages 3- 4 years are still working on developing learning skills. These students will be in ?Kindergarten 1?.
  3. New students to Duangvipa ages 3 years and 10 months to 4 years who are ready for Kindergarten 2 curriculum will be placed in ?Kindergarten 2- New Student Section?. Coursework will increase in difficulty until completion of Kindergarten 2 curriculum.
  4. Duangvipa Kindergarten 1 students matriculating into Kindergarten 2 will be placed in ?Kindergarten 2- Old Student Section.? Coursework will continue from where students left off in Kindergarten 1 and will progress at a faster pace than Kindergarten 2- New Student Section. After completion of Kindergarten 2 curriculum, students will spend the rest of the school year reviewing what they have learned.
  5. Kindergarten 3 students must have completed Kindergarten 2 curriculum. New students must meet school standards in order to be placed in ?Kindergarten 3.?

Kindergarten Uniform

Student Uniform
Physical Education Uniform

Kindergarten Uniform

Student Uniform

>>Admission for New Primary School Students:

Admission for New Primary School Students:

  • Both male and female students
  • Only commuting students
  • Application form is available at Administration Office

Requirements for Primary 1 Applicants:

  • Must be 5 years and 10 months of age by May
  • Must have completed or will be completing Kindergarten 3
  • Must be independent, and physically and mentally prepared.

?Admission Dateline:

  • Admission for the coming academic year begins in December

?Application Requirements:

  • Four 2 x 2 inch photographs
  • One copy of birth certificate
  • One copy of parents? and student?s Household Registration
  • Transcript or recommendation letter from Kindergarten 3 (for Primary 1 Applicants)
  • Current school year report (for Primary 2- 6 Applicants)

?Placement tests

  • Applicants must passed placement tests in subjects including mathematics, and Thai language. (Applicants will be notified of test dates upon application submission)

?Presentation of Student:

  • After student has passed the placement test, parents will present student to the school and pay registration fees, equipment fees, etc. on designated dates.
  • The following must be brought with student to presentation day:
    • School year report in Primary 4
    • Health services form from former school
    • Transfer student form
    • Registration fees, equipment fees, etc.

?Primary School Uniform

School Uniform
Physical Education Uniform
Cub Scout Uniform
Scout Uniform

Primary School Uniform (IEP)

School Uniform
School Uniform