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Duangvipa School

Tel: 02-4160957-60  Fax: 02-8935363



School Policy

1.) Instruction based on schools philosophy, mission, and vision. Instruction in accordance with the national education law.

2.) Every student will receive personal attention from teachers, and the school. Every student will be able to pursue knowledge with happiness.

3.) Every teacher will receive support to better themselves in knowledge, morals, and dignity. Every teacher will work in friendship.

4.) The administration will provide support for the highest quality of education.


School Mission

1.) Instruction in Kindergarten 1-3 in no less than 12 classrooms, with the most knowledgeable and experienced teachers who will teach students the most effectively.

2.) Instruction in primary school will lead to high above average test scores, with no students having to repeat classes.

3.) Students advancing from Duangvipa School will have the knowledge, foundation, and morality that are socially acceptable. Every student will be able to advance to renowned learning institutions.


Education Enhances the Quality of Life

Education develops knowledge and skills that a person can use to enhance his or her life, and allow him or her to live in society with happiness.


Language fluency, Wisdom, and Morality

  • Language fluency means students will be able to fluently use the Thai language, which is the national language, and English, which is the international language. Students will be able to communicate effectively, and seek knowledge in order to enhance their quality of life.
  • Wisdom means students will have knowledge and wisdom that they will be able to use in their daily lives.
  • Morality means students will have discipline, and selflessness as they become a part of the country and society.


Students will successfully complete each grade level with 100% effectiveness as evident in each accomplishment in fields of music, sports, arts, dance, manners, and invention. Students will be able to continue their education at renowned higher learning institutions and bring back accolades to Duangvipa School.


School Symbols

Bougainvillea: School flower

Pink-White: School colors

D.V.P.: School initials